A whole-school approach to RSHE is the perfect platform for preventative safeguarding in equipping young people with the skills to navigate the world we live in by making positive decisions and being kind to one another.
Unfortunately incidents of harmful behaviour still occur no matter how good the RSHE provision in schools is and it’s important we respond to these in a way that supports young people to learn from their mistakes.
Many of our partner schools are already using our existing materials to support 1:1 conversations after problematic behaviour incidents but we felt we could do more to support staff to manage these incidents, many of whom have a lack of time and confidence in this area.
We are therefore excited that the first stage of our Behaviour Intervention Materials are now available on the Life Lessons platform for our partner schools.This is one of the many updates to our provision that will support a whole-school approach to RSHE and keeping children safe.
Behaviour trends and feedback from schools indicate that students who are sanctioned for behaviours but not given the chance to properly reflect and learn from their mistakes often repeat the same behaviour. We are keen to break this cycle in a way that can be integrated easily into existing practices within schools.
The materials currently address four behaviour concerns: racism, sexism, homophobia, and disrespect/bullying and provide the tools that any member of staff needs to have an open and honest reflective conversation with a young person who has perpetrated harmful behaviour. The second part of our materials aim to educate young people about the problematic behaviour in a way that will prevent repeat incidents.
This launch marks just the initial phase of our initiative as we continue to work with our partner schools on updates to these materials, including further support for SEND students, other behaviour concerns and support for parents.